Healthy Living
Health and wealth go hand in hand, and nations do not become wealthy until they are healthy.
The total costs of NCDs in 2030, will amount to five times the cost related to the financial crisis in 2008, which sky-rocked at USD 12.8 trillion. There is a tsunami of man-made illnesses sweeping Mother Earth, and the global strategies for conventional downstream treatments are not keeping up. To better control the exponential growth in healthcare expenditures, nations, as well as companies, need to focus on a proactive upstream approach built on sound health promotion initiatives.
There is in fact a strong correlation between Healthy Life Expectancy and World Economic Forum’s Global Competitive Index. Healthy Life Years is hence the new currency of economic growth and prosperity. Global Health is about Return on Health, as well as Return on Investments. Studies and initiatives show an average ROI of 5.6 - that means for every $ 1 invested in health, the return is $ 5.6. The smaller the units (e.g. companies) the ROI is even two to three times higher. Investment in health, really pays off, and give shareholders, as well as the public, a solid ‘earnings per share’.
World Life Expectancy
Life Expectancy & cost
Life Expectancy development
health is an investment
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