Health Tips from India


«हर व्यक्ति हमेशा के लिए जीना चाहता है, लेकिन कोई भी बूढ़ा नहीं होना चाहता है।»

«Everybody wants to live forever, but nobody wants to grow old.»



Best things are done with calm mind and happy heart.
Never do something that makes your gut cringe - if you're not ready mentally, you will mess it up anyway.



Eat when your stomach tells you to eat - and not your head.
Never eat if you don't feel like eating - Food is not a routine; its instinctive. Appetite is a moving entity. No animal on this planet has a routine around eating - they eat when hungry. Simple. Humans have lost touch with what is hunger and that is causing dis-ease. 



Even the best food consumed when angry is poisonous.
Whatever emotion you hold while eating - the food provides just that to your body.



If you can ensure a good sleep every night, you will be strong enough to overcome any problems. Sleep is the most important thing, as it can solve everything. One should sleep light - physically and mentally. 



Moderation is the key. Eat according to season and culture, and understand your unique self. During the rainy season, nature is fragile and is in a regenerative mode, most species are undergoing multiplication. Body immunity is low during this stage and hence Indian rituals prescribe fasting during this time to build and amplify immunity. One should avoid oily and heavy foods during this time. Creepers should be included and leafy vegetables should be avoided. 



Eat your first meal at noon. Ancient people and wisdom did not eat their first meal till noon; children had their first proper meal around noon, just after completing studies/ school. The digestion fire is highest as the sun comes at its peak. When we eat the body is focused on digestion and the brain is slow. Hence, when you want to do brainy things, keep it light. 



Ensure that your excretion modes are healthy - healthy bowels, lots of sweat, light heart (no holding grudge and baggage), pranayam/ breathing exercises during Brahm mahurat (between 3:30 am to 5:30 am; before the sun rises) to ensure good levels of oxygen and vital elements in the system. The air during this time is unique. 



Eat jaggeru and curd together. The combination of jaggery and curd really helps in treating cold, cough, and menstrual pain. Jaggery or gur has potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, and copper, which prevent you from cold and flu. On the other hand, curd has antibacterial properties that boost the immune system of your body and prevent any health problems. According to Ayurveda, the consumption of curd at night is not advisable, as it can lead to mucus formation.



Raw vegetables before cooked meals. Fruits should always be eaten on empty stomach and not after a meal - it is a starer and not a dessert.


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