Health Tips from South Korea


«다이어트는 본인이 먹는 재료를 볼 수 있고, 볼 수 있는 재료로 만든 음식을 먹기를 바라는 것입니다.»

«A diet is when you watch what you eat and wish you could eat what you watch.»



Korean food culture is healthy and fresh - Embracing ‘Korean nature’ - Complemented by Kimichi.
Koreans love their nature’s treasures like no other. These varies from fresh seasonal vegetables and herbs, to healthy fermented foods that are aged according to nature's timetable by embracing the cold and heat, to various natural ingredients grown in the sea, mountains, sky and green fields.

The national dish of Korea is ‘Kimichi’. Kimchi is a fermented Korean side dish made of vegetables and seasonings. Hundreds of different versions of the dish are known throughout the world, but most commonly, it is made with Napa cabbage, radish, scallion or cucumber. Kimichi tastes salty (possibly even spicy), compared to sauerkraut’s tangy, acidic taste.

The common denominator for Kimichi’ is however exponential health.
Kimchi is full of beta-carotene and other antioxidant compounds that can help reduce the risk of serious health conditions such as stroke, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Kimchi is shaped by history and wisdom.

Kimchi is fermented by mixing it with red pepper powder, garlic, ginger, green onion, and a seasoning made from salted fish and starch paste. Then, the Kimchi is placed in a jar, ‘buried in the ground’, and lactic acid bacteria begin to actively grow and ferment at a constant temperature. Only after going through this fermentation process does Kimchi develop its own deep flavor, and refreshing and savory taste.

Kimchi contains the soul and life of the Korean people - changing accordingt to times and environment - but retaining its tase and nutrition.

Kimichi is packed with health benefits, and super-simple to make. How to make Kimichi



Korean meals are about ‘Bibim’ - Being mindful and present
Korean food contains the philosophy of ‘Bibim’. Bibim’ refers to the act of communicating with each other, sharing what is good, and filling in what is lacking. Bibimbap is a dish consisting of rice, vegetables, herbs, meat, and fermented sauce, embodying the philosophy of bibim, which symbolizes harmony and balance, creating a perfect balance of taste and nutrition within a single bowl.

The ‘Bibim’ philiosophy is about being present during the meal - to others and the food. Being mindful promotes better digestion, keeps you full with less food, and influences wiser choices about what you eat in the future.



Korean cuisine = Wellness Platter
When Koreans want to stay healthy or go on a diet, they truly care for a balanced diet (Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats). Korean food is very healthy given the wide variety of protein-based dishes and its usage of low-calorie condiments, such as soy sauce, to add flavor without adding additional calories. Korean food can also be great for weight loss as long as it is made with the right ingredients. The cuisine is one of the healthiest cuisines in the world. Korean people have some of the lowest obesity rates in the world, second only to Japan. Most of the main ingredients in Korean cooking are protein-based, with condiments that are very flavorful and use very few calories. The traditional cooking methods also involve very little oil usage.



Water on empty stomach - To kickstart the body-system
Many Koreans drink water right as they wake up to kickstart the body-system. The benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach include positive effects for flushing toxins from the body, increasing energy and immunity, reducing weight and increasing metabolism, and preventing headaches and kidney stones. It aids in the cleansing of bowels and improves hair and skin health. Some even suggest drinking water before eating to reduce portion intake.



Gold apples in the morning, Poisoned apples at night
Gold apples in the morning, Poisoned apples at night. Many Koreans strongly believe that eating apples at night is very unhealthy. They believe it causes indigestion and makes it difficult to get a good night's sleep. The origins of this idea are unknown, but the belief seems to be well known in Korea. There are many Koreans who say they’ve heard about this from an elder at some point in their life. A few of them believe it and refrain from eating sahgwah (Hangeul: 사과) at night.

Eating apples in the morning is however are seen as very healthy. Apples help to decrease blood pressure, improve breathing and lower blood sugar. They also help the body to secrete serotonin, causing the nerves to relax more easily. There are also polyphenols (antioxidants), found mainly in the skin of apples. They assist the body in breaking down carbohydrates and regulating blood sugar, providing a steady level of energy so you don’t stay up due to an energy spike.



Eat food like a king for breakfast, and eat like a poor for dinner
A very common phrase for dieter. Eat a lot in the morning, eat a minimum of a dinner at night. Everything you eat and drink in the morning has an impact on our activeness, alertness, and concentration throughout the day. Eating a small dinner seems to makes sense if we think about our 24-hour body clock that helps us determine what time it is. It receives light from the eyes and tells us when we should wake up and when we should go to sleep. It also tells us the best time to digest food is during the day.



Beef bone soup - To boost immune system
When Koreans are sick, many end up eating "beef bone soup", to boost ther immune system. Bone broth improves your gut health, enabling the immune system cells there to function effectively and prevent pathogens from moving from your digestive tract throughout your body. Glycosaminoglycans found in bone broth continuously restore the intestinal lining, resulting in improved intestinal functioning.



Exercise on an empty stomach - To lose fat faster
Exercising on an empty stomach is what's known as fasted cardio. The theory is that your body feeds on stored fat and carbohydrates for energy instead of food you've recently eaten, leading to higher levels of fat loss.

Working out on an empty stomach could also lead your body to use protein as fuel. This leaves your body with less protein, which is needed to build and repair muscles after exercise. Plus, using fat as energy doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to lower your overall body fat percentage or burn more calories.

If you decide to eat before working out, choose an easily digestible meal containing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Eat about 2 - 3 hours before your workout.



Hike in the forest - For body and mind
The healing power of forests and nature is ideal for mindfulness, meditation and exercise. Forests are the perfect relief for stress and a way to escape technology, allowing you to be at one with nature. Forest bathing involves slowly walking through a forest taking in the atmosphere through all five senses.

Research on the healing powers of nature has shown a variety of benefits for physical, mental, and social health. It provides an easy and effective way to avoid stress, anxiety, burnout and depression. Connecting with nature boosts the body’s immunity, energy levels and ability to heal. It can also improve mood, sleep, memory and focus. Nature is also thought to have a soothing influence on relationships and emotional well-being.



Taekwondo - For body and mind
Taekwondo is the national sport in Korea, and there are many health benefits of learning it. Taekwondo is a fantastic method for improving yourself in many ways. Whether you are trying to become more fit, or learn how to be a good leader, or how to socialize, Taekwondo gives you the opportunity to improve on these aspects and many more. It is an art and sports for all areans in life.


Nugget: One of the common facts is that Koreans think there is some significance to their blood type. While people in other countries may or may not know their blood type, every South Korean certainly does know theirs. One of the interesting facts about blood types in South Korea is that they are thought to contribute to a person’s personality and characteristics. Blood types can be used to help choose a spouse since your partner’s blood type may not be a good match for yours.


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