Structuring Insights

At the heart of the Alive Health Platform is a sophisticated algorithm created by 115 global experts and institutions within various fields, designed on feedback from crew at sea and people in offices across the world, for how to make a healthier life and how organizations can improve their performances.

Alive Health is a seamless platform, accessible anywhere in the world, due to low bandwidth requirements, global standards, culturally adapted, and is fully compliant with all known requirements.

Alive Health is available in 45 different languages - fully encrypted - and can be a stepping stone for working towards ISO 45000-family of standards, ISO 31000, ESG, and GRC. It is a seamless learning platform for an organization to upskill, reskill and to master complex issues. It is 0% Artificial Intelligence and 100% Real Intelligence.

How does Alive Health work?

Transferring Knowledge

Pillar One: Onboarding

The first pillar in the Alive Health Process, is the ‘Onboarding’. This is a stage where companies can take advantage of training in how to build HSEQ as a Strategic Business Unit. It is also about understanding the business better by structuring KPIs towards a set of pre-defined standards.

The ultimate goal of the platform is to have crew + staff in office to live better, and to enable organisations to operate even better than today with an improved bottom-line performance.

Pillar Two: Survey & Reports

The second pillar is about surveys and reports. We created a comprehensive employee survey in 45 languages, covering 99.4% of all maritime personell globally. After the survey is completed, every employee receives - in real-time - their personal report about own health status - followed by relevant tips for how to live better. This is personal and for their eyes only. Based on all answers from the emloyee survey, merged with the structured KPIs from the onboarding process, every company receives a detailed report about status and how to perform better with employees and throughout the service profit chain.

The survey has a pause & resume option, that makes sure that no information is lost if wifi or electricity is halted. It also facilitates the employee to take needful breaks.

Master Performance

Pillar Three: Analytics

To avoid working in silos, each company will get access to a real-time analytical benchmark tool where they can compare their own operations versus industry peers, or even within their own organisation. This is anonymous throughout, from the level of each individual in the organisation, to the level of the company on the seven seas. No organisation can understand or see who other organisations are, and vice versa. It is end-to-end encrypted, and has secure log-in options. The tool can be used in e.g. safety trainings and / or at crew seminars. The platform has built in smart-tips at various levels, to create ‘mastery within fingers reach of desire’.

Presenting numbers is not only about listing them in tables or graphs, but also to see their relative position in a multi level environment. By that, we move the numbers from transactional entities, to strategic measures.

Pillar Four: Academy

The last pillar is about transfer of knowledge through a unique academy. The intention is about reskilling, upskilling, and mastery, where each user can learn and test themselves at their own pace. There are also smart-links straight from reporting and analytical tool into the academy. The academy includes content to study (read), training videos (watch), tests & certifications (achievements) and downloading options (flexibility).